Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day Morning

I woke up last Sunday morning (Mother's Day) (okay I am posting this late) to my children bringing me breakfast in bed that Wyatt had made for me. What a happy surprise it was and nice to enjoy an uninterrupted meal that was warm when I finished it. My yummy meal consisted of hashbrowns and a fried egg (my favorite), strawberries, fried plantain, juice and sausage. Pretty great huh? I have a wonderful family, the children all made very cute things in school to give me and they wrote the nicest notes. I had the opportunity to sing with a friend in Sacrament Meeting so Wyatt got to stay home with Savanna while I went to enjoy the Mother's Day program!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

How wonderful! Isn't it nice to feel pampered?