Sunday, September 18, 2011


Do you want to know one of my favorite things? I LOVE my children's art and I especially love sidewalk chalk, always have..always will. I really don't think I ever even used it as a child growing up (we had a chalk board in our home) but there is something magical about my children drawing on our concrete. It is beautiful to me and it makes me happy :)

P.S. Another one of my favorites is when my children make snowmen! It makes me smile every time I see them out our window!
P.P.S. (I do not want it to snow yet).

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wyoming, Japan

We had the privilege as a family to go to Martin's Cove in Wyoming with our ward. Don't we make great looking pioneers? It was a fabulous experience! My mother was wise and graciously offered to tend Savanna since we were in charge of the food and we were glad she did!

For the month of August we had a 13 year old Japanese Exchange student, Maho. It was a great experience for me and our family that we will be repeating in 2 years with Alex and again with Abigail. The requirements to qualify for this particular one month program is that you have a child of the same age and gender as the student. Her mother made all of our children these traditional Japanese outfits called Jinbe (the short sets) and Yukata (the dress).

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Where did the teenager come from?

Brittany turned 13 yesterday, we officially have a teenager about the house! Where does the time fly? We are so lucky to have such a beautiful, strong daughter. We love you Brittany :)

She requested fondant cake with three tiers. She designed the cake on paper and requested the color combinations and I think she did a great job. This is only the 2nd fondant cake I've ever made and it is fun, I really enjoy doing it for my children-it's one of the ways I say: I love you!