This was our first year doing animal 4H...what a huge learning curve we had. A big THANK YOU to Grandma Penfold, Brittany got to do horse 4H because of her and thanks to Wyatt (really his good friend who is the Ag agent in our county roped us into this one) we got into goat 4H Alex and Abigail both had an animal. Funny thing was (except it wasn't that funny to me) Wyatt had meetings in Pocatello during fair week so everything that happened up until Thursday morning I had to do. I wasn't prepared for this and it was difficult to take on the responsibility when I had written it off back when it all started. I told Wyatt I supported them doing it but that I wouldn't be involved. The culmination of everything you do IS the week of fair so this was a bitter pill to swallow for me. THANKFULLY he was there for the showing because if he hadn't, the animals would have been shown "as is." I could write a detailed essay of everything that happened this week that would make you laugh but I don't want to take that kind of time right now but it will end up in my journal, next time you're here you can read it then! I can laugh about it now but I was in tears at the time.

Alex showing "General Grievous" his male Boer Goat

Alex and Abigail in their animals pen. (We had to set all this up down to the last straw) I was at my 'last straw' by the end

Abigail talking to the judge showing her female goat "Genevieve"

Brittany looking fancy on "Fancy"

Here is Brittany ready for her day long debut. She did great and had a lot of fun.
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