Well two weeks ago Tuesday, I had a reality check. Brittany got her ears pierced! Now this may not sound like a big deal but it reminded me how fast time flies and how old our children are and consequently how old we are getting. Like a friend said: we spend our life protecting our children from pain and injury, so then to willingly take her to have a little hole shot through the body we created for her is hard to do. I do remember back when I had mine done and how excited I was and how grown-up I felt so that tempers the pain I felt watching her have it done. It also didn't help that I had called a professional piercing business and the guy scared me to death almost to the point of having Brittany wait longer when he told me that Idaho State law says you have to be 14 to have it done with the autoclave unit they have which is medically sterilized. He told me that hepatitis is spread through ear piercing etc... anyway it is over now and I am happy with how it turned out and so is Brittany. Another milestone, another victory!

Before...Here are the earrings Brittany picked out! They are gold stars with a diamond in the center.

This is the actual moment that the gun pierced her ear. I was holding her hands and they got all cold and clammy. She said it hurt. I videoed the second ear and it was cute because she didn't wince as much but she said, "that one hurt a bit more," all the while smiling of course! For the next couple hours she said each ear alternated between feeling good and then burning/hurting.

After...The happy girl, she's doing a very good job of keeping the ear antiseptic on them twice a day and turning them with clean hands. Six weeks of healing now....
Welcome to being grown-up Brittany. Please call me and tell me all about it!
I Love You. Gma Pryor
Oh, what a rite of passage!! She is so grown up. I remember my day, too! It's very exciting. I am 1 1/2 weeks away from my due date! Wish me luck!! I am anxious to get it over with and her here. All the people who were due with babies my same time have had theirs already! I am all alone and so jealous!!! Nikki
Yeah! The expression on her face tells it all! You have been worrying about it for a while so I am glad it is done! Only two more girls to go! Ha ha (me too!)
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