We celebrated Brittany's 11th birthday on Wednesday. We made popcorn balls for her class of 30 and also for her soccer team, yes that amounts to eight batches of popcorn and a quadruple recipe of yummy gooey sauce!!! I'm either crazy or I love my children :) Then we had the family over for presents, ice cream and cake. (She requested a sports jersey)
Saturday we got up at 5:30 am to get ready to go to Grand View (by Boise) to go to Wyatt's Grandma's 90th birthday party. She has eight children and there are over 60 grandchildren and everyone but 2 were there, quite an amazing feat! It was an awesome party So many marriages and babies have come into the family since the last big shin dig so it was great to finally meet everyone and catch up with all the ones we knew. Once we were ready, we just woke the children up to use the bathroom and put them into the car in their PJ's, the hope was that they would continue their slumber but no that was not to be the happy ending to this mother's careful planning, they were all so excited that only Parker fell back asleep and that was not until an hour before we got there. (Disclaimer: Well truth being told, Savanna slept but that's what babies do). We had breakfast and got ready, hair and all in the car!
Here are the 2 sets of triplets. Mason, Parker and Jarrett (exactly 3 months between the last 2) and Savanna, Oakley and Cole (2 weeks between the 1st 2 and 2 months between the next)!
Lastly but not least, we sent Daddy home with his Daddy and all the children and I headed to Randy's home to see his wonderful wife Heidi and their cutie Tyson and baby girl-to-be. We had a fun day spending time together for Labor Day.