This is the famous cafeteria from High School Musical, we have seen all three movies and my children all love it. While we were in Utah for Alex and Wyatt's doctor appointments I took my sister and her children and mine to East High to see where the movie scenes were filmed. If we go to St. George again we'll have to go to the resort the 2nd movie was filmed at!

Here is Sharpay's locker!

This is the stage where all the theater tryouts etc.. are. The children had to go out into the auditorium to sit where Mrs. Darbus had tryouts.

This is East High School, here is the sketched concrete that shows at the beginning of the movie. The children thought it was soooo hot, it's a big school so they were a little tired after we'd walked around campus.

Sharpay's pink parking spot is almost all there. :)
That's so cool!!
We just watched the movie 'Forever Strong' about the Highland High Rugby team. It's a great one!! Lots of good messages for kids about sticking to what you believe and choosing the right. My bro in law is a Highland High guy, so he was all excited to see it. I would recommend this movie to everyone.
Makayla was VERY impressed to see your pictures! She recognized each one! How fun!
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