I got on the computer and realized it's been awhile since I've updated everyone on our family's life. There is a lot to tell! I can't believe a month of summer vacation is already finished. I will post some of the last of school and post another blog of our first month of summer later.
Alex's 2nd grade class performed "Peter Cottontail" he was so excited for me to come to see what they had been working on for so long at school!

Abigail made this flower in Kindergarten and I just love how cheery and happy it is, it's still hanging up. It rained for nearly a month here and this flower made the days brighter! It's almost as big as she is. :)

Brittany made this pop-up book in 4th grade this year and she wrote the story all by herself, I loved it so I took these pictures so she could "read" it to all of you and you can all enjoy it too! She is so creative and does well in art!

Well we finished up the baseball season with games every night of the week between the three children (yes Alex played too but I never got a picture of him).
Here is Abigail ready to bat, and her throwing the ball. What a cutie!

Brittany on base! This was a regular sight, she enjoys ball, does really well and even got invited to try out for the all-stars team but you have to travel to places as far as Bear Lake for games...no thank you, we'll get to that in H.S.

Hitting the ball is the best part of baseball in my opinion, go Brittany! I got to watch almost all their games from the inside of the car with Savanna- the cold, rain and wind didn't agree with her. She's already logged more time at ball games in her short life than most!

The end of school music program, here is Alex and his grade singing "Colors of the Wind" from Pocahontas. He wanted to keep his ribbon he had so much fun.

Here is Brittany playing the recorder. They really sounded great, their teacher had accompaniment for their song which made it very fun!