Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Carnival

We went to a local nursery and had a fun time doing activities with the children in their costumes. This one of Alex is his successful apple bobbing venture! The duck costume still quacks after 9 years! Brittany wore it her second Halloween, some batteries are amazing. We bobbed for apples, had our faces painted, planted grass in a small pot, had a costume parade and got treat bags.


Heidi P, That's me! said...

Valerie - Thanks for the blogs! Randy says he feels like he already knows more about your life doings. Sounds like you are busy in a good way!
Love, Randy and Heidi

Melissa Turner said...

Great Blog, I'm excited that you started your blog it's a fun way to stay connected. We enjoyed being with you and your family on halloween

Natalie said...

So excited to find your blog. What a beautiful family.
The Fields

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you guys have a blog!! It's so fun to keep in better touch this way. . . and what cute kids you two have:)