Wow how and when did Parker get to be FIVE!!! He wanted star wars Legos and here they are.

He wanted a dump truck cake this year so in the morning when he woke up there was a big present waiting to be opened. It was this cool yellow dump truck:

We filled it with dirt and mud!!! (a.k.a. chocolate cake, chocolate pudding and Oreo crumbs). It was super yummy :)

Here is what has been going on with the remodel project. These coils will be what keeps the back entry warm under the tile. The walls are painted and the doors are in.

In keeping with the period of our home we chose to do an arched doorway. (We found one under a wall we uncovered last year during that portion of the remodel).

Wyatt had to move the power box a few feet so that it will be on the outside of the home since it was in the breezeway that will now be inside of our home. He's on the roof connecting the power back up.

This is what it looked like at the beginning of the project.
This is Savanna's first hair cut. Thank you Aunt Nicole :) She did a great job!