After 3 months I am very happy to upload pictures of our new kitchen. I documented the process all along the way of most every stage, so that's why there will be so many. Many thanks to everyone who was involved and a giant THANK YOU with much gratitude to Wyatt, his brother and his father. I appreciate all of your hard work!!!

The first day. All of the cupboards have been unloaded, the appliances have been moved to the laundry room that now functions as our kitchen for the next 3 months and the old cabinets are taken off the wall. Wyatt and Felipe do the demolition while the cabinets are being built.

The 3 layers (sheetrock, plaster and old sheetROCK) on
each side of the wall are removed.

One, two, three, LIFT! This I-Beam went into place with a lot less effort than the first section last January (go to my blog archive and see posts last January under "remodel" and 2 in February). The old adage, "many hands make light work" is true.

The studs have been removed and so has the old linoleum, plywood and tar paper off the floor in the old back entry.

Sheetrock is being attached to the metal beam with adhesive, the clamps are providing equal pressure. All during this process, new electrical wiring is being taken up into the attic and underneath the crawl space to give me more than the two outlets I had before. Wyatt is under the floor moving the plumbing around and also some furnace ducts.

Sheetrock and drywall has been completed. We are filling in the wood flooring where the existing walls were. Also the return air duct has been relocated to this wall.

The entire kitchen ceiling and walls have been primed and painted. Wyatt refinished the floor again (4 years ago, Wyatt had a friend who used to do it for a living help him so he learned some tricks -yet another skill) so all of it will now be the same. The base cabinets are installed on the exterior walls.

Sleeping Beauty. Look at those lashes!

You might be wondering, "why are there pictures of Parker and Savanna in the middle of the kitchen remodel pictures?" Well these were taken on one of the many trips I made to Idaho Falls looking for tile, paint, cabinet hardware, etc... Picking up formica, wood, the sink and supplies. What little troopers they were.

Can you say DUST!!! Wow remodeling creates dust in
layers not just a film. I am in no way complaining, just documenting. It was a privilege to clean up in between each project. In a last minute, late night project Wyatt made me little shelves inside of the I-Beam and he pulled a phone wire so I can always have a phone (we seem to never have the cordless where it's supposed to be-can you say "Five little monkeys...")

Countertops were attached to the base cabinets, the sink is getting installed, Wyatt can now do this so if anyone doesn't want to pay for granite but wants an undermounted sink- call him, he's the man!
The raised bar is being created and the front of the countertop has been attached. The suspended seating support is installed.

Installing the formica.

All the beautiful cabinet doors are waiting patiently to have their hinges attached and to be hung. They are built out of rustic maple.

Hanging the doors, Paris and Nathan built them, what fine craftsmen they are. They turned out beautiful, and the stain... well now that's a secret!

Building the back of the island and finishing it off with wood.

The lights have been installed, Wyatt is so amazing, he was the electrician for this project too. He is so talented-Honey, is there anything you cannot do? They have lifted up the cabinet that goes over the refrigerator and freezer.

Backsplash tile set on the diagonal. Little details that make a BIG difference! Again, Wyatt worked with a professional tiler awhile back and picked up more skills.

Filling the tile with grout and then sealing it.

This past summer, I stripped the six layers of paint off this original wood door to the bathroom so it could be stained and match my pantry door. I am just getting the last of the paint out of the nicks.

Toe kicks and the baseboards are being cut, stained and installed.

The finished pantry and bathroom door!

Shelves and counter are finished inside the pantry.

Inside the pantry (Wyatt added the wood flooring and finished the shelves).

We are done!!! The appliances are in and everything has been cleaned. I love the two tone wood stain, the crown moulding and baseboards are a darker version of the stain we picked for the cabinets.

The china cupboard. The plate rack is Wyatt's baby. It's a fun addition :)

This is the counter height kitchen table Wyatt and I got ourselves for Christmas this year. It extends to seat 10. I love the fan/light above our table.

Suspended seating was the only way I was going to have a bar. Sweeping underneath this is a breeze so keeping it clean is manageable.
Here is the best overall picture of the room standing in the living room looking into the new kitchen, it's very open and bright. I like to have staring contests with the kitchen-obviously the kitchen wins but nonetheless I can do it for a long time ;) I am so grateful for this blessing for our family, words don't convey the joy I get from this. It is a completely different feel from what it was before, welcome to our gathering place!