Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day Morning

I woke up last Sunday morning (Mother's Day) (okay I am posting this late) to my children bringing me breakfast in bed that Wyatt had made for me. What a happy surprise it was and nice to enjoy an uninterrupted meal that was warm when I finished it. My yummy meal consisted of hashbrowns and a fried egg (my favorite), strawberries, fried plantain, juice and sausage. Pretty great huh? I have a wonderful family, the children all made very cute things in school to give me and they wrote the nicest notes. I had the opportunity to sing with a friend in Sacrament Meeting so Wyatt got to stay home with Savanna while I went to enjoy the Mother's Day program!

Friday, May 8, 2009

One Month!

Savanna is 1 month old today. It only feels like it's been 2 weeks so how the time flies. We have enjoyed a new baby and not the sleepless nights but that comes with the territory. Here are some pictures of Savanna.
Alex is such a sweet big brother, he loves to feed his sister. He likes how she keeps the spirit in our home :)
Brittany is so grown-up and such a nice help to have around! Her friends are all jealous that she has a baby to play with. She likes Savanna!
Abigail is Savanna's mini-mother, always holding her. Parker says, "Sananna is soo tute" all the time, holds her for 30 second intervals often and let's me know when he needs me to put "Sananna down."
Right before bath time! Look at those big eyes!
This was almost midnight, she is way too alert for this hour, we're working on the day and night thing. But Mommy and Baby were having a photo session.
I couldn't believe she picked her head up this high at 3 1/2 weeks. I guess she wants to be like the big kids!

Monday, May 4, 2009

More snow!

Well it is Driggs and we do live at 6500 ft but come on it is May and I've heard all you Utahns have mowed your lawns! We haven't even thought about lawn mowers yet :)
This is what we woke up to the other day and it's snowed twice since, see what you're all missing?
The children were concerned that the flowers were ruined by the snow but they are hearty breeds here and when the snow melted (it never stays past the afternoon this time of year) they perked right back up thus no flower damage.