Here Brittany, Alex and Abigail are with an egg on a plastic spoon racing to the other end trying to get there first. They were very tentative the first run, but on the second race, they were more confidant (they all figured out the eggs were hard boiled!).

Brittany was the first rider of our family to do the elk hide race. The hide has a handle attached to it and it's hooked to a rope that Wyatt holds around the saddle horn. The rider sits, kneels, or lays on the hide and the horseman pulls the person down the arena and around a barrel and back to the start. Some of the bigger kids who were laying on their stomachs had their pants filled with dirt because they were hanging off. She has her hood and glasses on for dust control but this arena had perfect dirt that stayed where it should be...on the ground and it wasn't too much of a problem like last year. They came home filthy last time.

They had so much fun doing this because Wyatt is a gentle "driver" On the way back, Alex held on with one hand while waving the other in the air and whooping like a real cowboy, it was pretty cute.

In this picture you can see Wyatt pulling Abigail, I was proud that she was brave enough to do this but she was determined and had a smile the whole time.
On Saturday, there was a fundraising event for our valley to get an indoor arena for the fairgrounds. Of course we went since Wyatt and the children love horses and such. There was horse pull competitions followed by children's games and then later that night we went to a nice dinner where there was an auction.